Caricamento Eventi

Venerdì 18 Ottobre 2024 – Ore 21:00
St. Jacobs Chamber Choir – Stoccolma

Direttore: Gary Graden conductor

Basilica dei Santi Bartolomeo e Gaetano
Strada Maggiore, 4 – Bologna



Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968)
Ululate (1944)

Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928-2016)
Credo (1972)

Steven Heelein   (1984)
Agnus Dei (2023) – (Siciliani Prize winner, premiered sjkk)
Improvisation: Glädjens blomster

Vytautas Miskinis (1954)
Dum Medium Silentium (2011)

Improvisation                     Glädjens blomster              

Nana Forte  (1981)
O Oriens (2018)

Galina Grigorjeva  (1962)
In Paradisum (2012)                                                     

Agneta Sköld (1947)
Den levande Maria (2019)
(commissioned and premiered sjkk)

Urmas Sisask  (1960-2022)
nr 24 from Gloria Patri II (2022)
Te Gratias Ago, Creator Universi!
Thank You, Creator of the Universe! (Gliese ‐ 163)
(commissioned and premiered sjkk)

Moses Hogan (1957-2003)
My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord



Ululate, quia prope est dies Domini:
quasi vastitas a Domino veniet.
Propter hoc, omnes manus dissolventur,
et omne cor Hominis contabescet et conteretur.

Vae qui dicitis malum bonum, et bonum malum:
ponentes taenebras lucem et lucem taenebras.

Vae qui condunt leges iniquas:
et scribentes, injustitiam scripserunt.

Ne irascaris, Domine, satis, et ne ultra
memineris iniquitatis nostrae: ecce respice,
populus tuus omnes nos.


Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand;
it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.
Therefore shall all hands be faint,
and every man’s heart shall melt:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.

Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees,
and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

Be not wroth very sore, O Lord, neither remember
iniquity for ever: behold, see, we beseech thee, we
are all thy people.

Jesaja : XIII/6-7, V/20, X/1 & LXIV/9

Dum medium silentium tenerent omnia,
et nox in suo cursu medium iter haberet,
omnipotens sermo tuus, Domine, de cælis a
regalibus sedibus venit.

While all things were in quiet silence
and the night was in the midst of her course.
Thy Almighty word, O Lord, came down from heaven
from thy royal throne.

Source of text: Wisdom 18, Psalm 94 (Latin Vulgate Psalm 93)

O Oriens,
splendor lucis aeternae, et sol justitiae:
veni, et illumina sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

O Rising Sun,
splendour of light eternal and sun of righteousness:
Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.
The O Antiphons: 21 December

Sats II  Den levande Maria

Ur Mödrar
Ebba Lindqvist

Kanske gick jag in och sökte något:
en bön som stannat under valven,
en tro som dröjt sig kvar i något sidoskepp,
århundraden av tystnad,
ensamhet som stelnat
och slagit ut i blom i korens fönster,
längtan som snidats och som skurits sönder
i rosenblad och helgonhänder –
kanske gick jag in och sökte något,
kanske bara frid och skugga.

Då såg jag henne:

Hon satt invid en Kristusbild av marmor,
utsträckt i mörk alkov.
Hon log emot det kalla ansiktet
och satte friska blommor i hans händer
och smekte marmorkroppen varsamt,
som om den varit levande.
Och hennes fingrar var arbetsspruckna,
och hennes kropp var höljd i trasor,
och håret hängde i gråa testar.
Men hennes ögon visste ej av död.
Och ifrån hennes ansikte,
ristat av lidande, utgick ett sken
av Kärleken som aldrig söker sitt.

The Living Mary

Maybe I went in searching for something :
a prayer that hung around the arches,
a belief that lingered in the aisles,
centuries of silence,
loneliness that had solidified
and blossomed in the chancel window,
longing carved, incised
in rose petals and saints’ hands –
Maybe I went in searching for something,
maybe just peace and shade.

Then I saw her:
She sat next to a marble image of Christ,
stretching in a dark alcove.
She smiled at the cold face
and put fresh flowers in his hands
Gently stroking the marble,
as if it were alive.
Her fingers were cracked with work,
and her body was shrouded in rags,
and her hair hung in gray strands.
But her eyes did not show this decline,
and on her face,
etched with suffering, showed
a love that never sought his.
(Ebba Lindqvist)

Nr 24 ur Gloria Patri II (2022) 
Mihi dicesti: tempus tuus in hoc patria terrestre finivit.
In hoc modo dixerunt de terra Tua et nostra.
Mirabilis est, quod hoc audientes tristitia non sentio.
Multae stellarum videbam.
Admiror et miror potui.
Scio, ut Tu infinitus es et in palma manus Tuae magnae
et caldae claudo oculos meus et accendus sum.
Scio, ut mox videre, audire, sentire potuo quid
mirabilia. Pater meus – in patria Tua!

Thank you, Creator of the Universe!
You said that my time in this Land is now over.
That’s what You said about You and us.
Strange that I don’t feel sadness when I hear this.
I have seen many stars,
I have being able to marvel and admire.
I know, You have no boundaries in your big and warm hand.
I close my eyes and am excited because I know I will soon be able to see,
hear and perceive something wonderful!
In your Land, Father
text: Jaan Tammsalu

Om Gloria Patri II
These 24 songs are not Jesus‐based spiritual music but science‐based music. The whole work  is based on 24 selected celestial stars around which exoplanets revolve. In addition to Jupiter  ‐ Mercury ‐ type planets, there are also Earth ‐ type, habitable, or green ‐ zone planets  orbiting their mother stars. The orbital periods of all these planets have been converted to  fixed pitches. This is the musical sound pattern of the whole work. And how rich can the  music landscape of the universe be! I would like to thank Jaan Tammsalu, who wrote these  spiritual texts and also Marju Riisikamp, who translated these great texts into Latin. And  finally ‐ I am proud to have proved ‐ also for myself ‐ through music that we, the inhabitants  of the Earth, are not the only beings who observe the Universe and praise God.
Urmas Sisask

Glädjens blomster i jordens mull, ack visst aldrig gro.
Kärlek själv ju försåtlig är för din hjärtas ro.
Men därovan, för hopp och tro, blomstra det evigt friska.
Hör du ej hur andar ljuvt om den till hjärtat viska.

The flowers of joy in the dust of the earth, alas, never sprout.
Love itself is insidious to your heart’s peace.
But above, for hope and faith, the eternal health flourishes.
Don’t you hear how sweetly you breathe about it to whisper to your heart.

My soul’s been anchored in the Lord
In the Lord, in the Lord,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord;
In the Lord, in the Lord’
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord.

1 Before I’d stay in hell one day,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord;
I’d sing and pray myself away,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord, O Lord!
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord, O Lord!
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord. [Refrain]

2 Going to shout and pray and never stop,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord;
Until I reach the mountain top,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord, O Lord!